
2NE1 has been plagiarized!

For those of you 2NE1 fans out there who are not from Latin America, you may not have heard about this: 2NE1's I am the best has been plagiarized!

Yesterday I saw on my Facebook timeline a post from 2NE1 Argentina, asking us Blackjacks to downvote this video:

This is Dominican Republic "singer" La Materialista, and she has infuriated Latin American 2NE1 and k-pop fans, in general, by stating this is "her new song".

And it's not like the song kinda sounds like 2NE1's... it's THE SAME, with Spanish lyrics!

Of course, as a Blackjack I find it outrageous, not that this woman has made a lyrically terrible version of a really cool 2NE1 song, but that she NEVER gave any credit to its original performers.
She twitted she was "releasing her new song", when at least two of those statements are bs: it's not her song, and it's not new!

The heat started blazing on twitter under the hashtag #LaMaterialistaPlagiadora, which is Spanish for #LaMaterialistaPlagiarist.

If you don't know Spanish, I can tell you the lyrics are a bit like I am the best, but she sounds, um... bitchier and arrogant. I would translate more, but I really never want to hear it again.

She also stole 2NE1's choreography and tried to make it pass as hers.


Later, she tried to fix things up by twitting "I love 2ne1"... too little, too late! And, after thousands of angry tweets, she kind of admitted it was a cover...

And, to add insult to injury she made a racist remark on the radio saying something about 2NE1 bringing them Chinese food!!! (Chinese??? Really?)

Anyhow, if she intended to cover the song, she should have said so from the start, and given credit.
The way she tried to make it seem as her own only made people think we were being treated as idiots who wouldn't realize it was plagiarism.

What do you guys think?

Oh, as a bonus track I leave you another terrible "cover". T-ara's Bo Peep Bo Peep. 
But, hey! at least T-ara was credited this time!


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