
2NE1 has been plagiarized!

For those of you 2NE1 fans out there who are not from Latin America, you may not have heard about this: 2NE1's I am the best has been plagiarized!

Yesterday I saw on my Facebook timeline a post from 2NE1 Argentina, asking us Blackjacks to downvote this video:


The Ups and Downs of attempting to be Gyaru outside Japan

I could have probably named this post just "99 problems", now that I think of it XD.

Although many of the downsides of trying to be Gaijin Gyaru have been wisely covered in this post:
(Which is not mine, but hell, do I agree with it!)
I would like to add a few problems I've experienced in this quest for Gyaru style:


Things I wish someone had told me when I was a teenager

Today I decided to bring you another looooong post. If you are looking for pics and such, this post will probably bore you. Still, if you are a teenager, or just any girl who's struggling with some negative things (about you, about society, about life) this post is for you.

Having gone through many of the above myself (and survived!) I wish I could tell teens a thing or two about life.

I hope you like it.


My first BB Cream - Maybelline Dream Fresh BB review

I've wanted a BB Cream for the longest time, but it was impossible to get here in Argentina.

Even though Korean brands are not available here, some western brands recently started releasing their own versions. Many blogs warned, though, that these were nowhere near eastern brands, but they weren't terrible either. Just not as "miraculous" as Korean BB creams appear to be.

A few days ago I read that Maybelline was launching their first BB Cream in my country and, since lately I've been needing a moisturizer (and the Nivea cream I had bought a few months ago was a terrible waste of money) I decided to give it a try.

My thoughts on being "ugly" and my love for 2NE1

What on earth has ugliness have to do with 2NE1???

I know, these two don't seem related at all.

Let me explain.

First off, I'm not pretty, and I'm fully aware of it. I wish I was pretty, or cute, like those doe-eyed girls I see in mags as Happie Nuts or Ranzuki, with their tiny noses and pouty lips. But I'm not.

Not that I give a crap about people thinking I'm not pretty, it's just a personal issue.

However, beauty seems to be a valued gift for those who have it from birth and for those who can afford it, because, yes, you can buy painful beauty. It is so to the point where people's whole lives revolve around it, and I see that very clearly in one of my favorite things, K-pop.

Did you know that about half of the female population of South Korea has had surgery? Even the members of one of my favorite Korean bands, Brown Eyed Girls, have had some drastic surgery, which is said to have granted them the fame they enjoy today.

But that's not the case with 2NE1.



I was about to write the longest comment-slash-apology ever, when I decided it would be better to simply make a post.

It started with a very simple question: why I don't have any follow/subscribe buttons on my blog.

The thing is, I'm still trying to figure out how to blog, through trial and error. Bloggin' isn't something I can dedicate all the time and the money to, mostly because right now, I'm broke. I have plenty of D.I.Y projects on hold, for example.